Hyde Heath to Wigginton via Cholesbury

Wiggington Community Café


This route starts and finishes at Hyde Heath village shop.

Distance:  21 miles , Coffee stop at 10 miles
Elevation: 1065 ft

At Hyde Heath, go across the field and go left of the cricket hut and through the woods to Little hundredridge lane and at the bottom turn left , after about 800 yards, turn right onto a bridle path to the top of the Pednor loop go left on the road down to Pednor Bottom, turn left go off road, after about 1000 yds turn right up to Capps lane to Chartridge Lodge and continue to Hawridge.

Turn right at Cholesbury and off road to Hastoe.

take a right to Wigginton to the Wigginton Village Shop for a Coffee/tea/sandwich and lovely local produce.  From the cafe Take fieldway onto Fox road and turn left into Tring Park wood

continue and onto Hastoe village hall and through the wood off Shire Lane. Follow the bridle paths across hale lane and along the ridgeway. Kings lane and back through Ballinger common to Ballinger bottom and back through the wood to Hyde Heath.

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